

Lisa Won Best of Show in the Hero Arts 2005 Hearts and Love Contest!

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 11:28 am

Lisa 2005 Hearts and Love Contest

Lisa’s Candy Store card entry won Best of Show in Hero Arts 2005 Hearts and Love Contest!

Her entry was a Valentine’s Day card with an old time candy store theme. She’s very excited about the $200 Hero Arts catalog shopping spree she receives as a prize!

On the contest entry web page Hero Arts even included some background information Lisa wrote in the submission letter:

"I made the candy store card with the old neighborhood corner store in mind. Once in a while I would stop there on my walk home from school and buy penny candy. I can remember savoring that candy all the way home! The candy used to taste better somehow coming from that store, even though you could buy it other places, too. Must have been the love that the store keeper gave us kids when she would count out the pieces and put them in the little paper bags!"


WordPress 1.5 RPM Packages

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 2:00 pm

WordPress logoI recently upgraded to the newly released WordPress 1.5, so I built RPM packages for the new version:

RPM: wordpress-1.5-1.noarch.rpm
SRPM: wordpress-1.5-1.src.rpm

These RPM packages were built under Fedora Core 2 Linux. I have not tested them with other Linux distributions, so they may or may not work in those situations.

I highly recommend you follow the standard installation directions and back up your database and all your WordPress files (especially index.php) before upgrading, as described in the upgrading instructions.


bbcp RPM Packages

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 6:46 pm

SwitchI built RPM packages for the latest version ( of bbcp, a fast copy program that uses multiple TCP streams for speed.




Classic Games: The Ur-Quan Masters aka Star Control 2

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 1:36 pm

UQM logoAfter finishing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (yes, the original, I’m always behind on playing computer games), I was looking around for another good game to play. For some reason I decided to search online for Star Control 2, which I had completed again about five years ago (running via DOSEMU under Linux).

Boy was I in for a surprise! Toys for Bob, the original developers, had released the source code of the 3DO version under the GPL! And a team had ported it to Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, made bug fixes and improvements, and added back some PC only features! Since the publisher still owns the rights to the name Star Control 2, this version is called The Ur-Quan Masters.

Star Control 2 aka The Ur-Quan Masters is a classic epic space game, combining elements of adventure, role-playing, and action games to make a terrific hybrid. The exploration and sense of humor in the game makes every encounter with a new alien species a hoot! It also features great music, especially for a 1990 title.

The Ur-Quan Masters is darn near a perfect version of Star Control 2, and my kudos goes to Toys for Bob and the Ur-Quan Masters team.

Highly recommended!

Lisa’s Recent Paper Creations

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 1:22 pm

A couple more of Lisa’s paper craft creations have won contests or been published:

Lisa won 3rd place in the Hero Arts 2004 Holiday Messages contest with her liveStrong scrapbook page and card duo entry.

The Rubber Stamper magazine also published three of Lisa’s cards in the February issue.

Resume Updated

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 1:13 pm

I performed my annual resume update today. A periodic resume updates seems like a good practice, since you never know when someone might be looking for a candidate for that perfect job.

As usual, my resume is available here.


WordPress 1.2.2 RPMs

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 1:06 am

WordPress logoI upgraded to WordPress 1.2.2 recently, so I built an RPM for the new version:

RPM: wordpress-1.2.2-1.noarch.rpm
SRPM: wordpress-1.2.2-1.src.rpm

These RPMs were built under Fedora Core 2 Linux. I have not tested them with other Linux distributions, so they may or may not work in those situations.

As is standard process, I recommend you back up your database and all your WordPress files (especially index.php) before upgrading, as described in the upgrading instructions.

Happy New Year!

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 12:30 am

Welcome to 2005! I can’t believe another year has passed: I feel so old!


Ride for the Roses

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 5:26 pm

Lisa and I rode in the Ride for the Roses today to raise money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation‘s cancer education and research programs.

We were orignally going to ride the 25 mile course, but at the last turnoff we decided to try the 40 mile route! We made it, but Lisa’s trip meter said the route was actually 46.7 miles (and it agreed with several other peoples’ bike computers at the 40 mile mark)!

We rode the ride on our mountain bikes with normal platform pedals but with road slicks, so it was harder than it could have been (a road bike with clipless pedals would have been much better). Lisa wants to buy a Trek Madone 5.2 road bike now as a reward for doing 40 mile route!

Lisa put up pictures and more information on her Ride for the Roses 2004 photo page.


Hints for Fedora Core 2 Upgrade and Email

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 10:50 pm

FedoraI recently upgraded to Fedora Core 2 since security updates were not being released for Red Hat Linux 8.0 anymore, but had to overcome several sendmail, imapd, SMTP AUTH, and SASL issues to get my email working well again. I thought someone might find the following hints to get things working useful, so here they are after the link.



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