

Fedora Core 6 Upgrade (Part 4: cyrus-imapd)

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 2:46 am

Welcome to part four in the series about our upgrade of wumple.com to Fedora Core 6 from Fedora Core 2.  The closing of the Fedora Legacy project and thus no future security updates for FC2 spurred this upgrade.

Part 4 features cyrus-imapd, the IMAP email server which I use because it supports IMAP IDLE push email which I use with ChatterEmail on my Palm Treo 680.


Fedora Core 6 Upgrade (Part 3: UPS monitoring and yum updates)

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 2:01 am

Welcome to part three in the series about our upgrade of wumple.com to Fedora Core 6 from Fedora Core 2.  This upgrade was precipitated by the closing of the Fedora Legacy project and thus there is no hope of security updates for FC2.

Part 3 features apcupsd UPS monitoring and yum and system updates.



Fedora Core 6 Upgrade (Part 2: Networking and SMART)

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 11:50 am

Here is part two in the series about our upgrade of wumple.com to Fedora Core 6 from Fedora Core 2.  This upgrade was precipitated by the closing of the Fedora Legacy project and thus there is no hope of security updates for FC2.

Part 2 features networking and SMART hard drive health monitoring via smartd.



Fedora Core 6 Upgrade (Part 1: RAID array)

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 1:55 am

I finally upgraded wumple.com to Fedora Core 6 from Fedora Core 2 since the Fedora Legacy project has closed and there is no hope of security updates for FC2.

In case it helps others, here is part 1 (RAID array) of a multi-part series about the trials and tribulations an upgrade to Fedora Core 6 entailed.


Smartphone and PDA User Interfaces

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 2:24 pm

ALP demo screenshotUpdate: PalmSource has publicly commented that the PalmOS user interface will be redesigned for smartphones as the MAX interface in ALP (ACCESS Linux Platform).  In a story on Computing Unplugged, Maureen O’Connell, Senior Director, Corporate Communications for PalmSource, said:

"Aside from that issue, I wanted to mention that it’s not particularly our intention that MAX "inherit much of the traditional look and feel of the Palm OS" — while this paradigm works fine on PDA-like devices with touchscreens, it’s not as effective on more "phone like" devices — MAX is intended to address both effectively."

That makes me even more nervous than before.  I like the PalmOS user interface and don’t want to see it "dumbed down" for smartphones.  The PalmOS user interface works just fine on the Treo smartphones which sell very well, so we have evidence that it does not need to be overly simplified.

One option PalmSource could take is to provide a simplified launcher and task switcher for smaller smartphones, while keeping something close to the standard PalmOS versions for the more feature-rich smartphones and users who prefer it and for third party applications to use if desired.

Original: I must admit I am somewhat worried about the recently released demo screenshots of ALP (ACCESS Linux Platform, the apparent successor to PalmOS) released by ACCESS, the company that bought PalmSource (the maker of PalmOS).



X10_Wish receive patch for MisterHouse

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 11:04 pm

MisterHouseI’ve been playing with MisterHouse (a Linux home automation program) for a few days, but ran into a problem where my SmartHome Powerlinc USB X-10 controller was not fully supported: Dan Wilga has recently implemented a MisterHouse X10_Wish library that interfaced with the WiSH x10dev driver for receive but not send (meaning MisterHouse could send X-10 commands but not receive and act upon them).

I went ahead and implemented receiving in the MisterHouse X10_Wish library. I consider this patch alpha since I’ve only been using it for two days now.

The patch: MisterHouse-X10_Wish-receive.diff


WordPress RPM Packages

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 12:10 pm

WordPress logoI upgraded to the recently released WordPress, so I built RPM packages for the new version:

RPM: wordpress-
SRPM: wordpress-

These RPM packages were built under Fedora Core 2 Linux. I have not tested them with other Linux distributions, so they may or may not work in those situations.

I highly recommend you follow the standard installation directions and back up your database and all your WordPress files (especially index.php) before upgrading, as described in the upgrading instructions.


WordPress 1.5 RPM Packages

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 2:00 pm

WordPress logoI recently upgraded to the newly released WordPress 1.5, so I built RPM packages for the new version:

RPM: wordpress-1.5-1.noarch.rpm
SRPM: wordpress-1.5-1.src.rpm

These RPM packages were built under Fedora Core 2 Linux. I have not tested them with other Linux distributions, so they may or may not work in those situations.

I highly recommend you follow the standard installation directions and back up your database and all your WordPress files (especially index.php) before upgrading, as described in the upgrading instructions.


bbcp RPM Packages

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 6:46 pm

SwitchI built RPM packages for the latest version ( of bbcp, a fast copy program that uses multiple TCP streams for speed.




Resume Updated

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 1:13 pm

I performed my annual resume update today. A periodic resume updates seems like a good practice, since you never know when someone might be looking for a candidate for that perfect job.

As usual, my resume is available here.

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