N8 of Chappel Hill, NC blogged about seeing three lifers (first time in his life seeing a specific species of bird) on the prairies of Missouri where he grew up. N8 saw Le Conte’s Sparrow, Brewer’s Blackbird, and Cackling Goose.
N8 wrote: "And so on the day after Christmas we traveled westward, to the place where the last hills and hollows of the Ozarks are shrugged off in favor of the wide sweeping vistas of the prairie. It’s not a place I traveled to regularly when I was a young birder, it’s only recently been realized as a great birding locale, so here was the possibility for several new birds merely an hour from the place I grew up. One in particular was our quarry for the day, and for us to get a shot on it we needed to travel to Bois D’Arc (pronouced Bo Dark) Conservation Area west of Springfield."
Read more about it on N8’s blog.
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