

Homeowners’ Associations Filing More Foreclosures

Filed under: — Stormwind @ 9:47 am

Homeowners’ associations can range from reasonable or (too often) overzealous (especially for those who don’t conform to wasteful, environmentally poor landscaping).

From the Austin-American Statesman:

The foreclosure actions have renewed long-standing stereotypes that homeowner associations are often made up of power-drunk residents who enjoy lording it over their neighbors and zealously enforce the rules regarding such things as the height of the grass, the color of the house, the flying of flags and the way the porch is furnished.

“You have a number of them being run like little totalitarian regimes,” said Texas Rep. Burt Solomons, R-Carrollton, who has unsuccessfully tried passing association reforms for years in the Legislature. “Their argument is that if you don’t like it, move.”

Read the full article at the Austin-American Statesman.  And also read about Lisa’s and my conflict with our HOA, MUD, and management company over landscaping.

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